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How to Keep Your Kidneys Safe - Some Common Rules

Safe Your Kidney

What you eat will reflect your health. And just like any other organ, special food is needed to protect the kidneys. Having a healthy kidney is just as important as having a healthy heart. The main function of the kidneys is to remove waste from the body. And expelling excess water from the body by removing harmful toxins or toxins. The kidneys also maintain the balance of electrolytes and other fluids. Good eating habits are also important for proper kidney function to keep such an important organ healthy. Here is a list of 12 foods that should be eaten regularly to protect the kidneys. 

Sample Image of Kidney

1. Cabbage

It contains phytochemicals, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin K, and fiber and folic acid. All of these ingredients help repair damaged kidneys and keep the kidneys active.

2. Fish

The omega 3 fatty acids in it reduce inflammation and protect the kidneys. Those who have kidney problems should eat more fish.

3. Berry

Berries are rich in magnesium, vitamin C, dietary fiber and folate. Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries and blueberries are considered to be quite beneficial for the kidneys. Berries contain anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory ingredients and also improve bladder function.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains anticoagulants and anticoagulants which effectively prevent kidney disease. Garlic protects the kidneys from the harmful effects of harmful metals. 

Sample Image of Kidney

5. Olive oil

Everyone knows olive oil is good for the heart. But did you know that it is also beneficial for the kidneys? It contains a lot of anti-inflammatory fatty acids which reduce oxidation and protect the kidneys. You can use extra virgin olive oil in salads or cooking.

6. The white part of the egg

People with kidney disease are advised to eat part of the egg. This is because the white part of the egg contains less phosphorus and more good quality protein. It also contains amino acids which are essential for the normal functioning of the kidneys. However, if you have kidney disease, it is better not to eat egg yolk.

7. Red capsicum

It is low in potassium, but high in vitamins A, B, C and B6. It is also a good source of folic acid and dietary fiber. Which are important for keeping the kidneys active.

8. Apples

Relieves constipation, prevents heart disease and improves eyesight. Apples also maintain good kidney health as they contain antioxidants and vitamins. Apples are also very effective in keeping the level of cholesterol in the blood and keeping the urine clean.

9. Red grapes

Red grapes contain acids that kill harmful bacteria and germs for the kidneys and urinary tract. Red grapes are also quite effective in relaxing muscles and improving blood flow.

10. Lemon juice

The acid content of lemon is very effective in breaking down kidney stones. The citrus content in lemons prevents the crystals in the kidneys from attaching to each other. 

Sample Image of Tomato

11. Cauliflower

It is rich in vitamin C, folate and dietary fiber. It also helps the liver remove toxins accumulated in the body. It also helps preserve cell membranes.

12. Onion

Onions are rich in strong antioxidants. Which helps to detoxify and cleanse the kidneys. It is low in potassium, chromium etc. As a result, onions help digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Not today, see you in the next post. Until then everyone stays healthy and beautiful. Take care of yourself and be careful.

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