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What is Coronavirus? How Can We Resist This Coronavirus?

Best wishes to everyone at Sunrise71. Hope everybody is healthy and well. Today we will discuss ways to survive the epidemic Coronavirus. There are some more posts on our website about coronavirus. If you have time, you can read by clicking on This Link. So let's start discussing today's very important issues.

Corona Virus

Find out how the coronavirus spreads

1. There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease. Attempts at discovery are ongoing. Has not yet become fully effective. However, it may soon be possible.

2. The best way to prevent illness or the virus is to avoid contact with the virus.

3. The virus is thought to have spread from person to person and this is the reality. The coronavirus spreads easily from one person to another.

4. It is more likely to spread (within about 6 feet) to people who are in close contact with each other.

5. An infected person's cough, sneeze, or respiratory tract can be spread by talking or talking to them face to face.

. The germs that come out of this respiratory or nasal passage, that is, the germs, can pass through the lungs of nearby people and enter the lungs.

. Recent studies have shown that coronavirus can be spread by people who have no symptoms.

What each of us should do to protect against the coronavirus

1. Wash your hands frequently. Come from outside and take a bath if necessary.

2. Wash your hands for about 20 seconds. Be sure to use soap. Do it after sneezing and coughing. It is very important to do this.

3. Wash your hands, feet, and face before eating or preparing food.

4. Wash your hands before touching your face.

5. After resting, you must wash your hands and face and then go out if necessary.

6. Be sure to wash your hands and face after leaving a public place.

7. When you open your mask after using it, wash your hands and face as well as the mask.

8. Be sure to wash your hands and face after changing diapers.

9. You must wash your hands and face after caring for a sick person.

10. Wash your hands after touching any animal or pet.

11. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 70% alcohol. Pour the sanitizer on the surface of both your hands and keep rubbing until dry.

12. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth without washing your hands. It is best not to touch it.

What else can you do?

1. Avoid close contact with sick people inside your home. Care must be taken, but with caution.

2. If possible, keep a distance of 6 feet between the sick person and other family members.

3. Keep a distance of 6 feet between yourself and people who are not in your family outside your home.

4. It should be noted that some people may be able to spread the virus without any symptoms, meaning that some people do not show any symptoms even after being infected with the coronavirus.

5. Keep yourself at least 6 feet (about 3 cubits) away from other people.

6. Staying away from others is especially important for those who are at risk of becoming very ill.

You must wear a mask when you are out of the house or around others; Because-

1. You can spread the coronavirus to others without feeling sick. Because many people do not have symptoms.

2. Wearing a mask means not only your safety but also the safety of others.

3. You must wear a mask in public places. Because these places are not safe.

4. Children under the age of 2 should not wear a mask. Of course, parents can wear a mask while holding their child. On the other hand, restrictions are sufficient for those who have difficulty breathing, are unconscious, disabled or who cannot read the mask without the help of others. But it is safer for them to wear masks in public places if they have someone to help them.

5. Please do not wear masks that are reserved for health workers. Because of the low supply of surgical masks and N95 masks, they should be reserved for healthcare workers and other first responders. 

Hand Sanitizer

Keep a distance of about 6 feet between yourself and others while wearing a mask. Remember, masks are not a substitute for social distance. 

Cover sneezing and coughing

1. When you sneeze or cough, be sure to cover it with a handkerchief or handkerchief. Do this even if there is no one around you. If necessary, keep with tissues and use during sneezing, coughing. Quit the habit of spitting today.

2. Dispose of your used tissue at the designated place. Don't throw it there. Because, even from that, coronavirus can spread.

3. If possible after sneezing, coughing, and using tissues, wash your hands immediately for at least 20 seconds. And if that's not possible, clean your hands with a sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol.

Cleaning and disinfection:

1. Clean everyday items regularly. If necessary, routine cleaning Please. Such as - table, power switch, desk, mobile phone or telephone, keyboard, mouse, toilet, door-window, tubewell, etc. That means you must clean what you have to touch regularly.

2. If there is carpet or anything else on the floor of your house, wash and dry it with soap or detergent and disinfect it.

3. Standard use disinfectants. 

Take care of your health:

1. Keep an eye on the fever, cough, shortness of breath, and associated symptoms and be alert.

2. Doing the things you need to do, going to the office, or the workplace - everything is fine; But keep at least 6 feet away from everyone. It can certainly be difficult for you. But, try only to stay healthy.

3. If you have any symptoms of coronavirus, check your body temperature quickly. Refrain from applying cold.

4. If you have any symptoms in your body, you must follow the rules given by the government and seek the help of a doctor.

Coronavirus is a curse for the people of the world. Otherwise, it would not have spread so fast all over the world. So try to follow the rules of health, even if it means protecting yourself. Lest people listen to you. And of course, put your trust in the Creator. 

Move carefully. I am ending here today. See you again with a new topic. Stay healthy and beautiful. I wish everyone a long life.

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