Corona virus / Covid-19
What is the coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a large family-centered virus that can cause illness in animals or humans. Can lead to death. Some coronaviruses can cause common colds and coughs in humans, ranging from severe respiratory infections. These are commonly called ‘MRS’ and ‘SARS’.
What is Covid-19?
Covid-19 is a contagious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. Until the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, people did not know anything about the new virus. The virus has now spread to almost every country in the world, unlike just one country that started. Covid-19 means a name of terror in the minds of the people now.
Symptoms of a person infected with the coronavirus:
One of the first symptoms of this disease is fever, dry cough, fatigue. Other common symptoms include body aches, headaches, sore throats, diarrhea, loss of nasal sense of smell, skin rashes, and discoloration of fingers or toes.
These appear at a slower pace. Again, some people may not have any symptoms. Some people may have all the symptoms and some may have fewer symptoms. Especially those who are infected with this disease have fewer symptoms.
Hopefully, about 80% of people will recover from this disease without the need for hospital treatment. 1 out of every 5 people infected with Kovid-19 becomes seriously ill. In this case, it is very difficult to breathe. Artificial oxygen needs to be arranged.
Older people who already have heart problems, high blood pressure, lung problems, diabetes, or cancer have a slightly higher risk of developing the disease. However, anyone of any age can be affected by this disease. Everyone should be aware of every symptom of their body and if any of the above symptoms appear severely, it is necessary to seek treatment from the hospital immediately.
What do I do if I have symptoms of the coronavirus?
If you have mild symptoms, such as a slight fever or cold, you do not need to go to the hospital. Stay at home, stay away from everyone, and examine yourself. Follow the rules of self-isolation. However, if you live in an area where there is an outbreak of malaria or dengue fever, do not ignore your symptoms.
Especially do not ignore the symptoms of fever. In this case, take the medical services of the hospital. Be sure to use a face mask when you go for health care, at least 1 meter away from each person so that people cannot touch you and you cannot touch anyone.
If the person is a child, try to follow these rules as much as possible. If you have difficulty breathing, chest pain, chest tightness, seek medical attention immediately. If possible, let the healthcare provider know in advance so that you get the best service and are at least somewhat safe.
How does the coronavirus spread?
You too can be infected if you come in contact with an infected person. Coronavirus can also be caused by sneezing or coughing. The disease can also be spread through the breath that comes out of the mouth through talking. The disease can also be spread from the saliva of an infected person. During sneezing and coughing, the discharge from the mouth does not move very far but falls very close to the infected person.
If someone spits or breathes in them, that person can also get corona. The disease can also be caused by shaking hands with an infected person and touching an infected person in any way and then touching certain parts of one's body such as eyes, face, etc. with that hand. For this, wash your hands regularly with soapy water and if necessary, keep it with hand sanitizer (alcohol-based) and use it as needed.
Can Covid-19 spread from an asymptomatic person?
The disease is spread mainly through sneezing and coughing if one of the infected people sneezes or coughs. Besides, contact with people with fever and fatigue can spread the disease. Most people with COVID-19 experience mild symptoms at an early stage.
A person who has had a young cough (the person is not feeling) and has no other symptoms can also spread Covid-19. Some reports suggest that people who do not have symptoms may be infected with Covid-19. Its statistics are not going to be given now. The world's major organizations, especially the World Health Organization, are keeping an eye on the issue and will update it in due course.
How can we protect ourselves and others unless we know who is attacked?
Washing hands regularly, practicing breathing habits - these are the two most important factors in protecting oneself and others from the disease. If possible, keep yourself at least 1 meter away from the other person.
Maintaining distance is very important if you are close to someone who is sneezing or coughing. Since many people with Covid-19 do not have symptoms or may have slight symptoms, it is always wise and prudent to keep yourself at a prescribed distance from any other person.
What do I do if I have close contact with the person who is infected?
It is not uncommon for you to be infected when you come in contact with someone who is infected with the coronavirus. Close contact means that you have not maintained a minimum distance of 1 meter from a person infected with the coronavirus. So in these cases, it is better to stay at home.
How can we protect ourselves and others unless we know who is attacked?
Washing hands regularly, practicing breathing habits - these are the two most important factors in protecting oneself and others from the disease. If possible, keep yourself at least 1 meter away from the other person.
Maintaining distance is very important if you are close to someone who is sneezing or coughing. Since many people with Covid-19 do not have symptoms or may have slight symptoms, it is always wise and prudent to keep yourself at a prescribed distance from any other person.
What do I do if I have close contact with the person who is infected?
It is not uncommon for you to be infected when you come in contact with someone who is infected with the coronavirus. Close contact means that you have not maintained a minimum distance of 1 meter from a person infected with the coronavirus. So in these cases, it is better to stay at home.
If you know for sure that you have been in contact with a person infected with the coronavirus, separate yourself from others as soon as possible. Go to the 14-day home quarantine. Take care of your health. In particular, pay attention to the external changes in the body.
Even if you do not show any symptoms, if necessary, get tested for Covid-19. Don't mix with family or outsiders without being sure. People are still not fully aware of the disease caused by this virus. So always take national counseling services.
What is Self Isolation?
Those infected with the coronavirus or from abroad are placed in 14-day home quarantine. At this time they cannot mix with family or anyone outside. During these 14 days, it is usually understood whether the person has been infected with the coronavirus or whether there are any symptoms.
On the other hand, self-isolation is the time spent with a person in a situation where the symptoms are developing. This is a great concern. By doing so, other people in the family and society can stay safe. If you experience any serious symptoms while in the home quarantine, report it to your family members at the prescribed distance and seek immediate medical attention from the designated hospital.
Also, while in self-isolation, communicate with family and loved ones and other people in the community over the phone or online. Keep yourself strong. Harden the mind. Don't break down. Trust in the Creator. Strengthen the mind by thinking positive thoughts.
There are no symptoms but I feel infected? What do I do in this case?
If you are sure that you came in contact with a person infected with the coronavirus and you are infected (although there are no symptoms) then isolate yourself from family and other people. You go to the 14-day home quarantine.
Keep an eye on your health. Keep in touch with virtual family and relatives. Contact a doctor immediately if you notice any bad symptoms. If necessary, get your body tested for the virus before going to self-quarantine.
Has any coronavirus drug been discovered?
It is a fact that so far no cure has been found for this disease which can protect against the disease. It is being treated with commonly used medicines in keeping with the symptoms. The use of homeopathy in some countries, especially in Bangladesh and India, deserves praise.
It is known that certain homeopathic medicines are boosting the body's immune system, thus reducing the risk of contracting the virus. However, the World Health Organization has not yet given proper approval to homeopathy. Maybe soon. On the other hand, some countries around the world are trying to find a vaccine for the coronavirus.
They are continuing trials of these vaccines on voluntary patients. If a vaccine is most effective and proves to be resistant to the coronavirus, it will be promoted by the World Health Organization in due course. There will be no barriers for people to take that vaccine. Arrangements will be made to make it open to all.
For now, the ways to protect yourself from the coronavirus are:
Keep yourself clean, especially wash your hands several times a day with soap and water. Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose with your hands as much as possible. When sneezing or coughing, cover your face with your elbows or use a tissue.
Remove used tissue from the area and wash your hands again. And always keep a distance of at least 1 meter from others.
Today's discussion is so far. I hope you understand everything. I will appear again with any new health information. Everyone stay healthy, stay well. Spend time safely with everyone in the family.
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Good post. Thank you.