Use of biochemical drugs:
2. Calcarea Phosphoricum: Effective in digestive disorders, rheumatism, and indigestion, hemorrhoids, usually physical and mental weakness.
3. Kelly Phosphoricum: Effective for nervous weakness, indigestion, hemorrhoids, bad breath, and headaches caused by overwork and physical weakness.
4. Netram Phosphoricum: Effective in increasing acidity in the blood, stomach problems, hemorrhoids, heartburn, and arthritis pain.
5. Magnesia Phosphoricum: It is a type of biochemical ingredient that is very effective in relieving muscle cramps, nerve pain, flatulence, hemorrhoids, and nerve headaches caused by intestinal contractions.
6. Silicia: Effective in preventing hiccups, skin rashes, hemorrhoids, hair, and nail brittleness.
7. Calcarea Phosphoricum: Effective in diarrhea, indigestion, stool green, rheumatic, and indigestible weakness, usually physical and mental weakness.
8. Kelly Muriticum: Indigestion is white, Gurupak (One type of cooked food where too much spice is used) is not tolerated, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, colds, various problems in children and is effective in healing burns.
9. Kelly Phosphoricum: Flatulence, indigestion, vomiting, indigestion due to nervous weakness, green stools, bad breath, and headaches due to excessive exertion and physical weakness.
10. Netram Phosphoricum: Effective in indigestion, acid, vomiting, heartburn, acidity in everything, increased acidity in the blood, stomach problems, acid vomiting, green stools, heartburn, and arthritis pain.
11. Magnesia Phosphoricum: Indigestion, abdominal pain, biliary vomiting, indigestion. It is a type of biochemical ingredient that is very effective in relieving muscle cramps, nerve pain, diarrhea, gallstones, flatulence, and intestinal cramps.
12. Netram Sulfuricum: Effective in constipation, dehydration, influenza, and hepatitis.
13. Ferrum Phosphoricum: Effective as a tonic in patients with tremors, weakness, anemia, and leprosy, colds, bronchitis, and influenza.
14. Silicia: Effective in preventing hearing loss, ringing in the ears, ringing in the ears, increase in deafness and full moon, hives, skin rashes, brittleness of hair and nails.
15. Netram Muriticum: Effective in reducing ear puffiness, ringing and swelling in the ears, ear pus and deafness, sinus problems, colds, sneezing and runny nose, pain, migraine, and excessive salt intake.
16. Magnesia phosphoricum: Artificial childbirth, malnutrition due to abdominal pain in pregnant women, it is a type of biochemical ingredient that is very effective in relieving muscle cramps, nerve pain, flatulence, and intestinal cramps.
16. Calcarea Phosphoricum: Effective in abortion, rheumatism, and indigestion due to uterine relaxation and displacement, usually in physical and mental weakness.
16. Silicia: Effective in preventing foul odor, contaminated pus, hives, gamigota, skin rash, brittleness of hair, and nails.
19. Calcarea phosphoricum: Urinary incontinence, frequent urination, rheumatism, and indigestion, usually very effective in physical and mental ailments.
20 Kelly Sulfuricam: Goiter, difficult to swallow, protects skin and scalp, prevents skin rashes, sticky and yellow pus from the skin and mucous membranes.
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